


So if Steve Rogers has super healing

Does this mean he can no longer tan?

Imagine Sam taking him to the beach at his parent’s place

And Steve looks completely awkward and adorable with dorky board shorts and a big floppy hat

(He hasn’t been to the beach in the modern era; shaddup he’s busy)

(He also has zero idea how not to walk on sea oats jfc Rogers)

He is pale as a vampire with an instant Irish flush

And Sam isn’t a creeper, you know, he’s respectful

Not gonna lie though, he was looking forward to helping Steve with the sunscreen

Then Steve has to be an asshole and ruin it by saying he can’t burn anymore

Sam says he ought to protect himself anyway, but of course Steve ignores it

So all day Sam has to shake his head and watch as Steve flip-flops between lily white and flaking and blistered boiled lobster

(Next time, shut up and lemme be sweet to you, Cap)

The next time, they take Bucky and Nat too

And it’s kind of a beautiful disaster

The day gets off to a bumpy start because Bucky’s left arm isn’t exactly ideal for the beach – he walks down the beach stairs and damn near blinds everyone

But he also hates wearing long sleeves in the sun; he and the arm both overheat

Sam solves the problem by plastering on every last cooling towel his family owns over Bucky’s shoulders and neck

But then Bucky starts complaining he’s going to get sand in the plates anyway

And does anyone know how annoying brushing out grit is

(Answer is yes, literally everyone)

Then Steve tells him to suck it up and literally chucks him into the surf

And Sam has nine heart attacks because the dude sinks like a stone and holy shit, doesn’t come back up

Can he even float with that arm, seriously Cap, what the fuck

And then Bucky explodes up out of the water and does his level best to throw Steve farther

And now the two of them are actively attempting to depants each other in the surf and shove sand in each other’s trunks and Natasha cannot stop laughing

Eventually they wear themselves out and flop under the umbrella where Nat was trying to read

So she goes out in the surf with Sam and holds onto his elbow and he picks up a couple skates to let her touch

Because she’s never been to the gulf before, and she’s fascinated by absolutely everything

A little too much though

He turns around at one point and she’s picked up a shark


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