


Til the end of the line

#[softly] don’t #the last gif though the way he’s looking at Steve #it’s like he’s begging him to understand that it wasn’t him but it still was him #like he needs for Steve to see that The Winter Soldier is part of him #and he didn’t have a choice but he did it and he lives with that guilt and knowledge every day #and it’s also a little bit like he’s testing Steve a little #like saying ‘are you only helping me because you think I’m the same guy from before?’ #‘I’m not him and these things are a part of me they’re who I am now I need to own these things’
#‘can you still find me deserving of your loyalty when you realise it wasn’t two separate people it was just me’ #‘might not have been my choice but it was my hands that pulled the trigger or threw the knife or crashed the car’ #‘and it’s my eyes that watched them all die and it’s my mind that plays them over and over again’ #‘can you still love me knowing that?’ #but he needn’t worry #the answer from Steve is yes it’ll always be yes #there’s nothing Bucky could do of his own volition or as TWS that would ever see him unworthy of Steve’s love and loyalty
#lol bye I’ll see myself out @sebuckstianstan

The tragedy of this scene is that Steve isn’t allowed to articulate that answer. He says “it wasn’t you”, and when Bucky replies “but I did it”, he remains silent. 

Later, as they’re about to exit the plane, Steve seems to realize that he still needs to say something, and he brings up that memory from their time together before the war. It’s certainly better than nothing, and Bucky clearly appreciates it. But what does it really mean to Bucky that after he’s essentially stated: “the person I am now is the result of the things that were done to me, the things that I was made to do”,

the only response Steve can muster up

is “but remember when none of those things were part of you yet? Those were good times”.

For Steve, Bucky is worth it all, no matter what. But does Bucky know that? Does Bucky believe it? Or does he remember Steve asking him coldly “which Bucky am I talking to?”, smiling at him only when a memory of the distant past is brought up,

telling him “it wasn’t you”, yelling at Tony “it wasn’t him, it wasn’t him”, and see it as proof that Steve is in denial? That he’s risking everything he has in this future because he can’t let go of the hope that the original Bucky, somehow, can still be recovered intact, untainted and unchanged, from the wreckage that is the Bucky of now?

And after coming to this conclusion, does Bucky feel like he owes it to Steve to be what Steve wants? When he says “

until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head”, does he just mean the triggers, or does he mean ALL of it? Does he expect to be cured, or does he expect to be reset?

okay kids listen up – your German aunt Natalie (dat me) is gonna tell you about that beetle



* yes I mean that blue fucking beetle in the masterpiece “Captain America – The First Avenger That Had To Go And Kiss Sharon What The Heck Steve”

* I’m telling you this cause I drive that lil piece of shit car through good old Germany every day and it’s not fun okay

* first of all it’s a “Käfer” not a beetle if I gotta hear one more German say biiitel in that “what is English” voice I’m gonna

* so yeah that car? No. Why. Steve wHY

* it’s Steve Sam and Bucky Baby right? Right. Let me tell you these three men are SUFFERING

* Bucky? Just forget about him. Lost the feeling in his legs two hours ago, hits his head on the roof every time (every. time.) there’s a bump in the road THIS MAN HAS HURT ENOUGH GODDAMNIT

* no for real the backseats weren’t built for humans let alone the motherfucking winter soldier

* Stevie and Sam darling can’t be more comfy either like shit this car is TINY

* that stuff Sharon “let’s touch lips” Carter got you there? Good luck getting that in the trunk. TheTrunk™ that’s apparently built for one single egg-shaped thing. No one knows what that thing is. Everything that is NOT that thing won’t fit

* It just. Doesn’t fit. 🙂

* THE GEARSHIFT OKAY like “let’s escape?” – NO how bout no cause the gearshift is stuck sorry Steve you wanted to what? Drive?? Backwards???? Nah man. This thing is stuck into the next century and you better not use your super soldier mojo like the only thing you’ll manage is to break the handle clean off


* trust me. Boiling heat. They started building real air condition after that car thanks VW

* did I mention that? It’s not fast?? Like? At all?? Like? You wanna drive on a fucking highway for more than 5 minutes with some kinda decent speed and this thing will need a day nap after. Let’s remember they’re literally escaping from iron man lol


* at least it has a fuckin flower vase next to the fucking steering wheel cheers Steve Rogers good luck with that you iDIO T

FRIEND! My mum drove us around in an original model Beatle 1980-1985 and YES.

The heat: the fake leather on the seats heats to the point of igniting

You can take most of your clothes off and power through the stinging burn when your thighs first touch the surface
AND HEY don’t move now because your legs are now bonded to that surface by sweat and some cruel alchemy that makes fart noises and threatens to tear your epidermis from your body every time you try to shift around
you can choose to keep your jeans on but friend you now have to accept that you are going to be soaked through in under 3 minutes I hope you brought plenty of water and your religion

The one time I tell myself it would be impractical to bring my good camera, I run into something like this! Over the weekend I was with friends in Louisville, Kentucky, and we were wandering around downtown on Saturday night. Just outside the Louisville Slugger Museum, we spotted this Civil War sculpture. Cap and Iron Man are made entirely out of recycled car parts! (Where’s Bucky?? How badass would it have been to have his metal arm made entirely out of car parts? Missed opportunity there.)

Sorry for the blurry pics, but that was the best my cell phone could do. If you’re anywhere near the area, it’s worth taking a look. The sculptures are incredibly intricate, especially Cap’s. I’m not sure how long the exhibit will be up, so visit while you can!

Louisville Slugger Museum Special Exhibits:





A sexual experience.

[special thanks to @exsequar for contributions to this gif set]

Self reblog due to… hardware upgrade.


[specials thanks to @youneedtostrut for her contributions]

Thank you so very much for posting this whole scene. THANK YOU!


…I don’t understand why people think Steve is emotionally compromised by Bucky (or “blinded by Bucky”) in Civil War. 

Because, seriously:

  • Steve said no to the Accords before Bucky even appeared in the movie. His argument was centred around how the Accords could exploit the Avengers. Bucky wasn’t even a factor at that point in time.
  • Steve was in Lagos to stop Rumlow from starting biological warfare. Yes, Rumlow distracted Steve by mentioning Bucky, but we knew Rumlow was going to set off that bomb the moment he told his soldiers that he wasn’t going to meet up with them, and activated his missiles. Steve’s love for Bucky had absolutely no involvement in the outcome of this scene, beyond the fact that Rumlow chose to taunt Steve with it. The battle had long begun, with civilian casualties already occurring. 
  • When Natasha asked Steve to sign the Accords, Bucky still wasn’t in the picture and Steve still said no. There’s absolutely no evidence of emotional compromise, even though it’s Peggy’s funeral so you expect Steve to be emotional: he’s not fighting, or arguing, or trying to convince Natasha not to sign. He just says he can’t sign.
  • When Steve finds out Bucky is alive, he doesn’t even dispute that Bucky could have bombed the U.N. He says to Natasha “If [Bucky]’s this far gone, I should be the one to bring him in, because I’m the least likely to die trying”. That’s not exactly a statement teeming with emotion. In fact, it’s pretty fucking logical, since Steve broke the Soldier’s trance before. 
  • Steve stops the government from trying to kill Bucky on sight, but does not stop them from arresting Bucky and doesn’t resist arrest himself. He even tells Bucky ‘this doesn’t have to end in a fight’ in the hopes of peaceful arrest. Steve’s not emotional, he’s not being difficult, he’s not fighting the government; instead, he asks about trial proceedings and a lawyer as they take Bucky away. Emotionally compromised? Hardly. 

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