(Cut for random dream babble)

Had a dream I was at a convention and somehow the booth my friend was running also ended up being right next to where Sebastian Stan was seated (or he randomly decided to come for a visit to the table, I don’t know). We were chatting a bit when he looked over the crowd and said he wished he saw more Winter Soldier cosplayers. 

I said, “You must be crazy, there are a ton of them out there.”

“I’d like to see some of those alternate versions people do, though,” he said. 

I didn’t quite know what he was getting at. “What? Like World War II Bucky versus Winter Soldier?” 

“Like,” he gestured, eyes alight, “ballroom-gown-princess-Winter-Soldier.” (I think there was also an unspoken but implied astronaut Winter Soldier? Basically it was an idea riffing off of all the variations of Deadpool you see at conventions.)

I laughed and agreed that would be pretty awesome. I told him I had seen a bunch of girls dressed as princess versions of the Avengers (which is real, I have actually seen that), but there wasn’t a Winter Soldier in the mix. I looked over at @braincoins​, who was with me, and she confirmed it. She and I tried to figure out the logistics of finding someone willing to do a Princess Winter Soldier cosplay; but when I finally turned back to talk to him about it some more, he’d vanished into the crowd. (Which was slightly disappointing, but I figured he had places to be and we were lucky to have him chat with us for as long as he did.)

…For real, though, can you imagine a Princess Winter Soldier cosplay? That would be amazing and I need to see it. I wouldn’t personally want to cosplay it (I’m all about Bucky’s WWII blue jacket), but that would be so fun to see at a convention someday. :3

I’d like to think that out there somewhere there’s a Winter Soldier cosplayer who carries a very particular sign around conventions. On that sign are written the following lyrics from Uptown Funk: “Say my name, you know who I am.” 

Of course random con-goers will scream his name and Captain America cosplayers will have to pause dramatically and gasp, “Bucky?!” And of course the Winter Soldier will always reply… 

Who the hell is Bucky?

…and then run away into the crowd.

If anyone ever does this, I need pictures.