


in cap the first avenger Bucky must’ve been on his way to watch that movie with Steve but since he got his orders he was late and when he didn’t see him inside he must’ve checked the alley I’m hurting

This is the first time I’ve seen a plausible explanation for this and not just “he must’ve had a tracker on Steve lol!”

In other words, Bucky’s first instinct when Steve isn’t where he’s supposed to be is to check around the immediate area, rather than wait for him at their arranged meeting place.

Who else is getting a kick out of imagining the time Bucky waited for Steve, assuming he was just running late – maybe even got mad enough to leave after a while – only to find out later, when Steve came home looking like something the cat dragged in, that he’d been out back getting the shit beat out of him the whole time while Bucky stood around and twiddled his thumbs?

Who else is imagining the lurch in Bucky’s stomach every time Steve’s late for something?


Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. 


Here, have the short little Stucky ficlet I wrote for @hitlikehammers in person a while back and forgot to put up here. Will also post to AO3 momentarily.

Steve and Bucky, nightmares, rain, comfort.


Steve dreamed about cold.

That was nothing new. Ice, green-black water, deep ravines, bone-white snow. Bitter silver metal and drying blood and the implacable blank eyes of the man he loved. The shock of horror and recognition. The shock of falling—

Falling awake; and he opened his eyes to the night, lying flat on his back in a too-compassionate bed, heart racing.

A sound. A touch. That’d woken him.

And Bucky, half-asleep and fuzzy and naked and warm, draped an arm and a leg across him, gathered him close. Murmured something drowsily indistinguishable: safe, or got you, or love you, or just Steve.

Bucky’s head was resting on Steve’s shoulder, face tucked into Steve’s neck; Steve tipped his own head to lean against the solidity of him. Outside rain shimmered down: a serene silvery rustle, cool but not cold, enveloping their bedroom in the space behind a waterfall. Steve’s heart got serene too, slowly.

He put his arms around Bucky, who did not wake screaming in Russian, who simply mumbled more non-words and breathed out over Steve’s collarbone: alive, as Steve’s fingertips traced scars in the dark. As Bucky let him.

He shut his eyes, feeling dark hair soft against his cheek. He let himself fall back to sleep gradually, held by Bucky and rain.


“family, stability…guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. i think someone else came out”

tiny comic about bucky’s insecurities. as he recovers, bucky’s upset he can’t revert to exactly who he was before hydra. sometimes, seeing how he used to be with steve in the 40s unnerves him. he feels like he can’t be steve’s best friend again. steve realizes this and, fortunately, knows how to comfort him. he understands the feeling. completely inspired by @ladypeg!


think just how much all the avengers must love sam though

natasha telling him awful jokes 24/7 and always keeping his fave ice cream in the freezer 

tony making him new wings every 15 minutes because “i can iMPROVE THIS SHIT WILSON JUST LET ME TRY ADDING ROCKET BOOSTERS”

bruce drinking tea with him because sometimes it feels like they’re the only two sane people on the team

wanda loving just hanging around him and leaving little gifts like mint plants and chocolate lying around because she can get a sense of what he likes off of him and wants to give him nice things because sam?? is so nice???

rhodey and vision and sam having arm wrestling contests and they try to get the others to place bets

thor always laughs at his jokes and one time sam fell asleep on the couch and woke up with thor’s cape tucked around him

clint and sam are bird bro bffs no questions asked. they even have friendship bracelets. natasha made them.

bucky keeps an intense eye out to see if anyone bothers him and if he runs into a spot of trouble literally anywhere he’ll find the winter fucking soldier sitting at his kitchen counter sharpening a collection of knives and asking for names

steve showing his affection by outlapping him every time they run and texting him cute pictures of dogs in the middle of the day