
Q: Do you want to change the red Hydra star on Bucky’s arm to something that honors his friendship with Captain America?

A: No, I really like that arm. I don’t want to mess with it. It’s good the way it is. I kinda hope that the star is still there. Look, I think of it as like… It’s a part of him. It’s who he is now. And a part of who someone is – in order to get better – they have to sort of embrace the not so great part about themselves. So in a way I think he would want to keep that to live with it and not run away from it. (x)


I love staring out the window. New York, it’s like a candy jar –
watching people is so phenomenal. Looking at [the couple at the next
table] right now, you can tell so much by what they order or their body
language. I just find that really fun. It’s kind of like being a
detective a little bit.

@battlebunnyteardropsinthesun Remember street watching from the window cave in Cleveland? The guy with the flowers? 🙂

Also, source for the above quotation, for anyone who’s curious: [ x ]

E9: Sebastian Stan Pt 2 : The Happy Meal



The Drop-In with Will Malnati
E9: Sebastian Stan Pt 2 : The Happy Meal

E9: Sebastian Stan Pt 2 : The Happy Meal



I think the first edit of [Captain America: Civil War] was close to three hours. [x]


So this would explain why Steve’s character seemed so muted throughout the movie. And why it felt like we got into Tony’s and T’Challa’s (hell, even ZEMO’s) heads better than the titular character’s. 

Look, a year ago I was worried they’d drop the Cap/Bucky relationship completely, so I am honestly grateful it took center stage in this conflict. It added an especially meaningful dimension to the movie for me and there are lots of moments that I’m going to want to revisit once the movie is released to DVD/stream. 

My opinion? The movie was really well done. I liked it enough I’ve seen it four times already and it’s only been out a week in the States. I’m probably enough of a glutton for punishment that I’ll go see it at least one more time before it leaves theaters. 

However, I’m gonna be honest and say it pisses me off to hear scenes between Steve and Bucky were shortened, especially when those cuts affected the audience enough that loyal fans noticed Steve’s characterization was particularly subdued. And it’s supposed to be his movie. If the relationship between Bucky and Steve is the heart of the narrative, as it’s been unabashedly sold to us (with the annoying, if expected, “no homo” reminders), then the studio needs to honestly commit to it as the heart of the narrative. That’s what makes the story interesting and that’s what makes the audience want to invest in the characters and their conflict. 

I don’t know what those cut scenes contained, obviously, but I’m gonna take a wild leap and guess they strayed into emotional territory (pardon me while I roll my eyes). And if they did? So what if Bucky and Cap get a little emotional over each other? You know what? They’ve fucking earned it. They’ve earned the right to a few extra minutes of screen time together, and I would watch every last goddamn minute of it. 

I never thought Stucky would be canon, and I still don’t expect it. But you know what? A long hug or a few tears or a nostalgic conversation doesn’t mean dudes gotta be gay for each other. Doesn’t mean they aren’t, either; but that’s not really my point. The point is the movie took plenty of time to linger over other characters in quiet moments, even if those moments dragged back on the action and forward movement of the plot. Honestly. A Captain America movie full to the brim of side character development and it’s Steve’s scenes that got cut? Frankly, that’s ridiculous. As a fan of both Cap and Bucky? It’s infuriating, particularly because the Cap and Bucky scenes are the reason I’ve gone back to the theater again and again to see this movie. 

That being said, I know it’s a hard line to toe and the bottom line is and always will be the market. Marvel has to stay in business and sell to the widest possible audience. I get that. And I appreciate all of their hard work, I really do.

I would appreciate it even more if they released an extended edition / director’s cut that gives us back some of those scenes we missed out on. Please. 

I don’t think he knows how to express his emotions. It’s like the movie Taxi Driver. He’s somebody who is very alone. It’s kind of depressing! He’s someone who is piecing together a life and dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. He’s paranoid, because he doesn’t know if he’s being followed or if he’s being watched. He has a hard time trusting himself because he’s learning about all the things he’s done that he doesn’t remember. He’s in a very isolated place, and he’s sort of like a scared animal. He’s just lost.

What he does learn is that the only person, his only hope, is Steve Rogers. Because Steve Rogers is the only guy who will keep him alive.