
The pain piles on in Civil War, sadly.

[by david christopher bell, via cracked]


#THIS SCENE IS SO GOOD#it’s one of those low key displays that tony pays attention to people#he not only knows happy’s favorite show#he knows when it’s on and why happy likes it#he knows happy has a thing for badges#AND HIS PROBABLY KEEPING A WHOLE SECURITY TEAM OUTSIDE THOSE DOORS#TONY LOOKING AFTER HIS FRIEND AW#also everything about his body language Kills Me#he’s trying so hard to look chill hiS VOICE IS SO TIGHT gosh#i waited my whole life for this gifset (via @knightinironarmor)


The film presents an interesting deconstruction of the idea of Iron Man. Tony spends a lot of the film not wearing the suits.He builds the suits to operate without him inside, which in turn lessens his own dependency on the suits. Many of his defining sequences show him relying on his own wits – not the suits – to endure. Tony is special not because of his suits, but because he builds and creates. It’s a reminder of who he is: the man who built his future in a cave with a box of scraps. 

Even when he summons his fleet of suits, it doesn’t really matter which one he’s in. All are extensions of him, manifested aspects of his personality that extend his innate ability. Iron Man’s superpowers are not the abilities of his suits but his intelligence, awareness, and creatively constructive tendencies.  In the final statement of the film, Tony speaks as if answering the question Captain America demanded of him in The Avengers. “Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away, and what are you?”

 I am Iron Man.