Hi, hi, fanfic followers! Next chapter of Nowhere To Go But Home is in progress and I have a teaser for you behind the cut:

It was an itch—nothing more than a twinge between his shoulder blades—but when Steve felt it, he couldn’t ditch the nagging certainty that something was wrong. 

He tried, he really did. 

Or, rather, he tried for the better part of thirty seconds before he ordered the Quinjet back to the tower. He was overreacting, probably. Worrying over nothing. He did that. They’d get back to base and there was a good chance he’d find Bucky asleep, sprawled gracelessly across a couch or a bed, taking advantage of the chance to rest. After their disastrous breakfast, Steve had, for once, needed the distance just as much as his soulmate—to be far enough out of range that they didn’t have to guard each other from unwanted glimpses of their thoughts. Now he was cutting their reprieve short, just because he had a bad feeling. 

The closer they got, though, the more the itch turned into a twinge and then an ache. Steve had Clint radio ahead. SI security and SHIELD operatives reported status quo, but Friday cut into the transmission and requested to speak with the captain privately. 

“Did something happen?” he asked the AI. He held his earpiece and did his level best to keep his voice low and controlled. 

“Unconfirmed,” Friday answered. “Sergeant Barnes is displaying signs of acute distress and anxiety, with possible flashbacks and auditory hallucinations. My attempts to engage him have gone largely unheeded.” 

Steve swore under his breath, his concern sharpening into splinters of fear. He reached out with the bond, pushing to make the connection despite the distance, trying to get a read on what was wrong. What came back was scratchy and hollow and jumbled and full of static—too much like the Winter Soldier’s mind for Steve’s comfort. He was still too far to be sure, but it didn’t bode well.

“Friday, don’t let him out of your sight,” Steve ordered. “If he shows signs of aggression, I want him locked in. Do whatever you have to to keep him away from anyone else in that tower.”

“Yes, Captain.” 

“Is Tony aware of the situation?” 

“Mr. Stark is still under blackout in the lab.”

“If this goes south, we might need him.”

“Mr. Stark has rewritten my protocols,” Friday said, “but I can apprise him of the situation in the event of a genuine emergency.” 

For fuck’s sake. “That’ll have to be good enough for now.” 

Steve briefed the team, preparing them for the worst, and by the time Natasha set the Quinjet on the roof, Steve had worked himself into the focused, mission-calm of Captain America. There were too many variables, too many unknowns. Right now was not the time for a full-blown panic. 

Bucky wasn’t on his private floor, and Friday smartly directed the team to the sergeant’s location before Steve could even think about tearing apart the building level by level to find him. Steve approached the door to his quarters on the Avenger’s level. Sam and Natasha had his back while Vision and Wanda waited just out of sight. Rhodes was holding a flight pattern outside, keeping an eye on the perimeter, just in case Bucky managed to fight his way past the rest of the team. 

Steve steadily, cautiously, opened the door. He tried to get a read on his soulmate before he fully entered; but Bucky’d shut him out. Which meant they were going in blind, in more ways than one. 

The lights were off and Bucky was slouched in the shadows at the end of the bed, elbows braced on his knees and head bowed. He was shaking minutely from head to toe, every tendon tensed. 

Primed for a fight, adrenaline coursing through his system, it took everything Steve had to keep still and wait. “Buck, you’re scaring the hell out of me right now,” he said. 

A breathy, caustic laugh came back. “Yeah?” Bucky muttered. “Me, too.” He looked up with glassy eyes and the light from the hallway deepened the lines of pain on Bucky’s face. He spotted Sam and Natasha and his expression faded into dull resignation. “Brought the whole team for me?”

“Depends. You planning on making this a fight?” 

Bucky shook his head almost imperceptibly. 

Steve signaled and Sam and Nat withdrew far enough to give them privacy; but close enough to be ready if matters took an ugly turn.

“What is this, Buck?” Steve approached the bed, wary. Bucky still wasn’t letting him get a read on his thoughts. Normally Steve would leave it alone, let him have his privacy, but he still wasn’t sure how much he was talking to Bucky and how much he was talking to the Winter Soldier. “What’s going on?” 

“I felt him,” Bucky whispered, hoarse and scratchy. “I don’t know how, but it was him. An’ I’m not going crazy, Steve. I’m not. I thought it was you at first. But it wasn’t. It was him. It was just a split second, but it had to be him. And I don’t know how the hell it could have happened. It can’t happen, can it? I don’t know what it means and I’m scared as hell, Stevie. Things in my head are bad enough, I don’t know what to do with this.”

“You’re going to have to slow down,” Steve said. “I didn’t follow a word of that.” 

“It was Tony,” Bucky said. “He came through on the bond, Steve. I felt him.

That was a punch to the gut Steve hadn’t been expecting. Suddenly there wasn’t quite enough air in the room. “What?” he choked out.

“You heard me.” 

“Show me.” And that was as close as he’d gotten to giving his soulmate an order since their army days. 

“Yeah. Knew you’d want to see it,” Bucky mumbled. His jaw worked and he ducked his head, wiping at his eyes with the heel of his right hand. He was shaking again. “I’ll show you. Need you to see it.” He took a steadying breath. “Thing is, to show you, you’re going to have to see somethin’ bad, Steve. Really bad. I can’t separate them out. It all happened too close together.” 

Steve knelt down beside him. “It’s okay, Buck. Show me.” 

Bucky smiled thinly. “No, it’s not okay,” he said, steeling himself. “It’s about as far from okay as you can get. But you’ll know that in a minute.” 

A Super Soldier Or Two – menhir – Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]

I was going to post an update last night letting everyone know this was going up tonight, but then I thought, If I tell them it’s going to be tonight, it’s not going to happen for whatever reason and I’m going to look like a total jerk. But here it is! And check the tags, this one’s naughty 😉 With lots of feels thrown in. 

Thanks as always for reading, kudosing, commenting, sharing, and simply enjoying! Love you all ♡♡♡

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Masturbation, Tony Has A Vivid Imagination, Oral Sex, Porn with Feelings, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Alternate Universe – Soulmates
Series: Part 4 of Winter Stars and Iron

Tony has a couple of problems and their names are Steve Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes. Luckily he has quite the vivid imagination when it comes to dealing with said problems. Genius, remember?

A Super Soldier Or Two – menhir – Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]

Nowhere To Go But Home – menhir – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

I have a problem. This chapter was going to be 7,000 words MAX, and then it turned into 11,700. I don’t know what happened, but it’s finally done and posted! Rating has been upped to “Mature,” just to be safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has read, commented, kudosed, reblogged, and/or silently enjoyed this fic. It means a lot to me and I love you all! ♡ 

Chapters: 5/?
Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe – Soulmates, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bisexual Tony Stark, Canon-Typical Violence, Protective Steve Rogers
Series: Part 2 of Winter Stars and Iron

There it was. The icing on the cake. Tony had been caught red-handed, leering after someone else’s soulmate. Perfect. In his defense, he’d thought Steve was free for the looking at the time. The best he could do now was own it. “Steve… he’s, uh, not hard to look at, I’ll give you that,” Tony admitted. And because he was feeling just a teensy bit self-destructive, he added, “Neither are you, for that matter. I can think of about twenty applications for that metal arm that have nothing to do with its intended purpose.”

“That so?”

“I’m a genius. Trust me.”

Nowhere To Go But Home – menhir – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

Late as always, but here nonetheless! The latest teaser from Chapter Five of Nowhere To Go But Home:

Tony was perched in front of a lab table with his sleeve rolled up and a sensor pressed to his arm. A holographic projection of his musculoskeletal system was hovering in the air in front of him, showing a series of disks floating just beneath the surface of his skin.

“What are those?” Bucky asked, reaching up to touch the patterns of light.

“Ah, careful with that.” Tony moved the sensor away from his arm and the projection blipped out. “Sorry. It’s interactive.”

Bucky took a step back, searching the lab as if he might be able to find the hologram secretly stashed in a corner. “That was your arm,” he said, and for all he’d spent the last seventy-some years as a hardened assassin, what slipped through was the voice of an awed kid.

Tony ducked his head with a small smile, absently fussing with the settings on the sensor. “Yep. One hundred percent Tony Stark.”

“What were those things inside your arm?”

“Oh,” Tony said. “Well, I hate to break it to you, but it turns out you’re not the only metal marvel in the tower.” He grabbed a nearby chair and wheeled it around for Bucky. Tony held out his arm. “Here. Feel.” 

Cautious, Bucky straddled the chair and rolled closer. 

Tony guided the fingers of Bucky’s right hand over the inside of his forearm, pausing at several hard knots. “They’re implants. Homing devices for the suit, so it can find me wherever I am. Of course, that only works when they’re working. Right now they’re just expensive body modification.”

Bucky traced the edge of one of the circles, and Tony’s gaze strayed to the false soul mark etched on Bucky’s inner arm. “You have more of these inside you?” Bucky asked.

Tony cleared his throat, refocusing. “Just the arms,” he said. “The suit extrapolates positioning from there.” He brought the sensor to his skin again and the schematic glowed back to life, zooming in to one of the nodes. Tony pointed with his pinky finger. “If they were functioning at all, we’d get an energy signature on this readout. There’s nothing.”

“So you’re going to have to replace them.” 

“Looks that way.” Tony let out a sigh. “I’ve used arm bands before and that’d be a good temporary fix until I can reboot these or replace them. But there are some complications I have to work out first.”

“That have anything to do with the injection they gave you?”

Tony poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. “Nothing much.” 

Bucky was quickly picking up on the not-so-subtle nuances of Stark-speak—particularly Tony’s tendency to downplay serious threats to his own wellbeing. In other words, the complications had everything to do with the injection. And the chances Tony was going to admit to it were zero to nil.

Right on cue came the change of subject. “You and Steve have a chance to catch up?” Tony asked, deliberately casual. He set the sensor aside and the holo-display disappeared.

“A little,” Bucky said. 

Tony took a beat. “A little?” He rolled his head. “Come on, Barnes. Don’t tell me you two didn’t actually do anything. I was trying to give you some privacy.”

Oh, so Tony wanted Bucky to think the lab blackout had been an act of altruism. Even though the equipment and schematics told a wildly different story. There was something to be said for brazen dissociation as a diversionary tactic. It was a ballsy move. 

“Maybe it’s not my business,” Tony went on, “but we’re stuck together, the three of us, for the foreseeable future. You two might as well make the best of it, right?”

“It’s complicated.”

“You’ve mentioned that.” And now Tony was genuinely irritated. “So what if you’re a mess? Join the club. Not all of us get the chance to be with someone who’s willing to stick it out no matter how bad things get. Shit, Barnes. Don’t take it for granted. Let him love you anyway.”

Bucky couldn’t help it. He pressed his face into his shoulder, trying to hide a smirk. 

“What’s so funny?” Tony huffed. “I’m being serious here.”

“I know,” Bucky said. “Just, that little speech was worthy of Steve Rogers. I’m really startin’ to see why he likes you.”

Nowhere To Go But Home – Chapter 1 – menhir – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

Oh my gosh, you guys! Chapter Four gave me a run for my money–and it didn’t help that Civil War got released smack dab in the middle of writing it. I got distracted. But it’s up now and it’s full of fluff and feels. A lot of feels. Maybe too many. Bring some tissues when you read. Also, don’t kill me. 

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who’s read and left kudos and comments so far! You guys make my day!!! ♡ ♡  ♡

Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe – Soulmates, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bisexual Tony Stark, Canon-Typical Violence, Protective Steve Rogers

There it was. The icing on the cake. Tony had been caught red-handed, leering after someone else’s soulmate. Perfect. In his defense, he’d thought Steve was free for the looking at the time. The best he could do now was own it. “Steve… he’s, uh, not hard to look at, I’ll give you that,” Tony admitted. And because he was feeling just a teensy bit self-destructive, he added, “Neither are you, for that matter. I can think of about twenty applications for that metal arm that have nothing to do with its intended purpose.”

“That so?”

“I’m a genius. Trust me.”

Nowhere To Go But Home – Chapter 1 – menhir – Captain America (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]

Fanfic followers! Hi, out there! I’m working on finishing up Chapter Four of Nowhere To Go But Home, but I’ve been struggling with getting a few elements to work the way I want. While I’m wrestling with my writerly demons, here’s another little teaser as a thank you for being so patient!

Steve got back less than an hour later, carrying an armful of pizza boxes and several bags of take out. Tony was lying on his back on the sofa, scrolling through his new phone, and he had to do a double take when he saw the amount of food Steve had brought.  

Steve set the pizza boxes on the counter and unpacked breadsticks, sauces, and cartons of Chinese food. There was an extra sack stacked with six-inch subs, just for good measure, and a handful of plastic-wrapped fortune cookies clattered into the mix.

Tony pocketed his phone and pulled up a seat at the island, grabbing a pair of bamboo chopsticks. “You know, you’d think this wouldn’t surprise me since I’m the one who pays the Avengers’ grocery bill.” 

Steve chuckled. “Got some crab rangoon and teriyaki chicken, if you still like that,” he said. He grabbed several bottles of water from the fridge and offered one to Tony. 

Barnes was still in the bathroom and the steady patter of water hitting tile hadn’t abated. 

“Think he’s all right in there?” Tony asked. 

“Hm.” Steve pulled up a seat beside Tony and took a bite of pizza. His gaze strayed into the middle distance, and Tony wasn’t sure if he was supposed to take that for an answer or if it was just really good pizza. Tony was about to repeat the question when Steve came back to himself suppressing a fond smile.  

“He’s fine,” Steve said, as though he’d gotten the information straight from the horse’s mouth. And then, as if realizing he was acting vague as hell, he added, “When we were growing up, Buck kind of had a thing for showers. Couldn’t always get ’em because he’d let his sisters go first; but when he did he stayed in till the hot water ran out. He hasn’t really been able to enjoy one since he enlisted.” 

“Really? It can’t have been that long.”

“What other chances would he have?” Steve shrugged. “He’s been on the run since DC and seedy motel and tenement bathrooms don’t exactly hold a candle to all this.” He gestured with his pizza crust at their surroundings. “The last few years, we spent most of our time together worried about getting caught. Even when I convinced him to clean up, he was never able to relax. And with Hydra—”

“Yeah, no,” Tony said hastily, holding up his hands. “I doubt they cared much about making him comfortable.”

“They didn’t,” Steve agreed grimly. He shook his head. “Anyway, I wouldn’t expect him out for at least another half hour, assuming the hot water holds.”

“He’s welcome to it,” Tony said. “As much as he wants, day or night. Just as long as he’s not drowning himself in there.”  

Steve smiled crookedly and then cleared his throat, pulling out another slice of pizza. “He’s, ah, I think Buck might also be trying to give us a chance to talk, just the two of us, now that things have settled down.” 

“Oh?” Tony asked. And then, “Oh. Am I about to get a shovel talk?”

“No, Tony,” Steve said gently, but he was choosing his words carefully, and that was never a good sign. 

Damn it. And Tony’d thought things had taken an upturn. He stuffed a bite of teriyaki chicken into his mouth and tried to keep his internal freakout from building into a full blown panic.

As promised, here’s a little teaser for the next chapter of Nowhere To Go But Home. Tony’s starting to figure out there’s something a little strange going on between Steve and Bucky, but he can’t quite put his finger on what it is:

For the record, Clint’s face hovering just in front of his nose was absolutely not the way Tony wanted to wake up. Ever. Especially after spending the night next to James Barnes. Nothing against the bird man, but, yeah. Too close. Way too close. 

“Rise and shine, cupcake,” Clint sing-songed at him. 

“Cupcakes don’t shine.” Tony swatted groggily at him. “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be off having a secret family and not telling us about it?”

“Still sore about that, huh?” Clint grinned and sat back on his heels. 

Tony grumbled and rolled away. His hand hit the other side of the cot, only to find it empty. He sat up halfway, searching the cell. “Barnes?”

“Relax. We’ve got him,” Clint said. “Lawyers needed him to go over some stuff. You weren’t waking up and Captain said to let you rest. They’re ready for you now. They got a contract for you both to sign, some nitty gritty bullshit to go over, then you and the kid will be free to make out to your heart’s content.”

Tony squinted and sat up, dragging a hand over his face. “Why does everyone keep jumping to that?” 

“Because we know you so well?”

“You got the memo he’s not actually my soulmate, right?” Tony said. “Besides, if you knew me that well, you would have brought coffee.” 

“Nat banned me from the kitchen except for mealtimes,” Clint said. “Says I break stuff. And eat things that aren’t mine. But if you want to risk her wrath, just give the order. I got a back way in even she won’t guess. The coffee might not make it here bug-free, but a little extra protein never hurt anyone. Except maybe the bug.” 

Tony scrunched up his nose. “Definitely the bug. I’ll pass on the giant cup of regret, thank you.” He shook his head. “And what is this about mealtimes? Isn’t the team headed back upstate once this is all settled?” 

“Nah,” Clint said, clapping Tony on the shoulder. “You’re stuck with us, Stark. Indefinitely. Cap wants the team here so he can keep training the newbies while Barnes gets settled. Guy won’t take a vacation for shit, even when he just got back the long lost love of his life. Can you believe that?”

“I’m starting to.” Tony filed away that tidbit of information as another incomprehensible data point in the Rogers-Barnes equation. Maybe Steve wanted to keep up appearances, but not giving himself even one day off? What was Tony going to have to do? Lock the two of them in a closet together? They were soulmates, for god’s sake. It shouldn’t have to be that hard.

Nowhere To Go But Home followers! Hi, there! Tomorrow—May 14th, 2016—is Tony and Bucky’s fake soulmate rendezvous! I wanted to have the next chapter done in time for it, but since I’ll be out of town tomorrow I’m going to post a teaser later tonight and the full chapter on Monday. (I’m taking Sunday to revise, just in case I’ve made any horrible, horrible mistakes.) There’s lots of fluff in this one, but hopefully some good plot development, too. 

Thanks as always for being your wonderful selves! Stay tuned xx