Please spread the word


I’m meeting Sebastian on June 4th at Wizard World in Philly and I want to give him a meaningful gift from not only me but from a lot of others that love him to show him how much we care for him. If you want to participate either message me a picture for me to print out or a note OR ask for my PO box address and you can actually mail me something that you want me to put in the box (small things only please). Please reblog this, I hope that as many people as possible will get involved.




*clapping while crying* Why must I live in a small country town hours away from every comic con!?!?! 😭


…I went to the Cleveland wizard world cause it was closer to where I live…I can’t afford to go to this one, and that makes me sad.

On the one hand, yes everyone will be there and it will be amazing–on the other hand, it will be absolutely packed. It was rough navigating the crowds in Cleveland when it was just Hemsworth, Grillo, and the Russos. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like in Philly (maybe they have a bigger venue?). Ninja-ing your way around the masses at a convention can be part of the fun… as long as the numbers don’t mean you miss panels you want to go to. That can be especially heartbreaking for fans who can’t afford extras like autographs or photo ops.

That being said, if a similar lineup were to show up in, say, Chicago, I’m definitely there.