
Project: Winter Soldier –
June 1954

Volkov’s man at MI-6, Parsifal, has proved his worth. The schematics for Advanced Robotic Appendages and Attachment he provided two months past were revolutionary. Our science team finished a working prototype and attached it to the American without incident. With the new appendage in place, clearance was given for Department X to begin work on the Winter Soldier Project.

It has long been my plan to turn this American symbol back against our enemies. He was no aid to developing our own Super-Soldiers, but he will still be a valuable tool, in the right hands. Captain America vol 5 #11


Can you explain in details about the creation of the bionic arm of Winter Soldier? 

The technique we used was primarily the same as the previous CAPTAIN AMERICA installment, but the challenges were different. In the previous film most of the shots were outdoors. In CIVIL WAR, most of the shots take place indoors and in close proximity to other actors, this required more matchmoving and per shot lighting setups as they moved around in the building.



Explain me the science behind Bucky feeling plums with his METAL ARM ?!??

It is trying to establish the fact that a) it has feeling (which would be awful because that would mean Iron Man blowing it off likely caused him pain) and b) it can be delicate enough not to damage the fruit, even if it’s strong enough to pull off car doors. It was intentional, not a mistake. The close up told us it was intentional. It shows the arm can be used with extreme gentleness as well as force.

what do you think they made Bucky’s prop arm out of? :)


Hopefully that answers your question.
